Commissions of UFO

Various committees have been set up so that the Executive Board does not have to manage all tasks alone.

Academic Forestry Commission AFK

The Academic Forestry Commission is the student association for all forest and landscape students and forest enthusiasts. It organizes many events, such as the May-Bowl or the Chlaushöck.

Student's Teaching Commission SUK

The teaching commission is your point of contact for questions and concerns about lectures, examinations, course structure, etc. It is in direct contact with all professors and the department management.

Events Commission PK

The project commission is responsible for organizing UFO's events, big or small. Look out for them in the newsletter, on the Instagram page and more!

ThirstdayBar Commission TdBK

The ThirstdayBar commission organises the weekly ThirstdayBar on the green floor or on the terasse. Be sure to bring your mug in case you want cocktails!