Offers of UFO
UFO offers its members a wide range of financial and infrastructural support.
Do you have any wild ideas or events you would like to realize? UFO is happy to support you with organizational and financial questions!
For whom:
All UWIS students and UFO members can submit project ideas. Projects that appeal to as many students as possible are welcome.
An application to our UFO-pot is made by sending an e-mail to @quaestur with a short description of the project.
Support for sports activities
Would your team like to take part in the SOLA relay or other sporting events? UFO contributes financially to the participation costs.
For whom:
For UFO members, a maximum of half of the participation costs can be covered by UFO.
An application for the entry fee contribution is made by sending an e-mail to @quaestur with a description of your activity.
Participation in travel costs
UFO contributes to the travel costs for students who wish to attend international conferences, workshops, events etc. in the field of environmental and forestry science.
For whom:
All UFO members can submit an application.
An application for travel expenses can be made by sending an e-mail to @quaestur with a detailed description of the request.
Sponsoring pot
UFO supports non-profit projects of associations, groups or individuals with financial means.
For whom:
External associations, groups or individuals who produce sustainable, innovative and creative products or services. They should be related to our studies and benefit our students.
An application to our sponsorship pot is made by sending an e-mail to @pr with a detailed description of the concerns and a justification of how this investment will benefit the students.
Educational events
Would you like to organize a practical event that spreads specialist knowledge on forestry and environmental topics? UFO will be happy to support you.
For whom:
All UFO members can submit an application.
The application is made by sending an e-mail to @quaestur with a detailed description of the request.
Support for student exchange
UFO supports financially disadvantaged students who would like to take part in international student exchanges (semesters abroad).
For whom:
All UFO members can submit a corresponding application.
The application is made by sending an e-mail to @quaestur with a detailed description of the request.