About us


The Environmental and Forestry Association (UFO) was created in 2004 by merging the Academic Forestry Association (AFV), founded in 1861, and the Natural Science Association (NV). As one of 17 professional associations at ETH Zurich, UFO represents students in the bachelor’s degree program and all master’s programs in Environmental Sciences (UWIS). As a professional association, UFO is affiliated with VSETH (umbrella organization of the students of ETH).


  • a) represents the voice of the students within the D-USYS department and participates in various departmental committees.
  • b) organizes various events to provide students with a good work-life balance and foster interaction among students within and around the program.
  • c) supports its students in their studies through study resources such as the UFOlder, which contains old exams and summaries for almost all subjects, and offers exam preparation courses where the most important topics are concisely reviewed.

A student association can only do so much without its members! Ideas and suggestions are always welcome! Find the right person to contact on the board's page.


All UWIS students can become members of UFO by joining VSETH. This costs 10CHF per semester and is billed directly on the semester invoice. To do so, simply check the corresponding box during online registration via myStudies when enrolling for another semester. Of this 10CHF, the majority goes directly to UFO. The more funds a professional association has, the better and/or more affordable events can be offered. Therefore, we ask you to pay the membership fee with each semester enrollment so that we can continue to organize great projects for you. If you forget to do so, the omitted contributions can still be added until the end of the fourth semester week (myStudies, first page below, voluntary contributions).

Students from other programs (especially Atmosphere and Climate within Earth Sciences) who also wish to become members of UFO should contact the board. The board can grant extraordinary membership (cost: CHF 10 per semester).


Environmental and Forestry Association
CAB E12.1
Universitätsstrasse 6
8092 Zurich
