UFO can approve additional support for projects and events. The UFO Pot is primarily intended for projects and events based on new ideas that were not yet considered in the regular UFO budgeting. The UFO Pot has a total of 2000 Swiss Francs available.

Funding can be provided in the form of fixed contributions (a specific amount is covered) or deficit guarantees (the deficit is covered up to a maximum amount to provide security in case of uncertainties). The differences between these options are explained further down on this page.

Application Process

The application must be submitted as an agenda item at a board meeting. The following information should be provided and recorded in the meeting minutes if the application is approved:

Since financial resources are being requested, also include:

Decision and Payout

The application will be voted on during the UFO board meeting. The board should only approve the request if the project does not already have an allocated budget and if a reasonable number of UFO members, in proportion to the requested amount, will benefit from it. This means that requests for larger amounts should also benefit a larger number of members.

Submit a short project summary and a complete financial report to quaestur@ufo.ethz.ch no later than six months after the project has taken place to receive the approved funding. The email subject should be: Payout from UFO Pot.

If the required documentation is not submitted within six months after the project, the approved funding or deficit guarantee will expire.

Tips and Tricks

Deficit Guarantee vs. Fixed Contribution

Fixed Contribution: If a project/event is lacking financial resources (i.e., planned expenses exceed planned revenues, or the project has no income at all), a fixed contribution can be requested.

Deficit Guarantee: If the project budget has planned revenues and expenses that balance out (expected to break even), but there are uncertainties or risks (e.g., fewer attendees leading to lower revenue), a deficit guarantee can be requested to cover potential shortfalls.